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The Student News Site of Buffalo High School

Bison Beat Online

The Student News Site of Buffalo High School

Bison Beat Online

All content by Menefee
Kaylen Sanchez and Genevieve Arabie both placed at a major meet last weekend at Katy Taylor High School.

[Photo] Major steps

Yuliet Gonzalez, Editorial Team
November 20, 2024
Senior Ashtyn Barzda and sophomore Kaleb Barzda act during one of the tenser scenes in the play. There were lots of laughs, but some tender moments as well.

[Photo] Loads of laughs

Raegyn Dennix, Reporter
December 3, 2024
All four students competing at Congress finished in the top ten this week. Junior Kaylen Sanchez finished first and senior Tristan Cole second; they will compete at state in Austin in January. Sophomore Genevieve Arabie finished fourth and is state alternate and Freshman Prescilla Portilla finished seventh.

[Photo] Moving on up

Raegyn Dennix, Reporter
November 12, 2024
Santa and Mrs. Claus visit with the children lined up at the community tree.

[Photo] Oh Christmas Tree

Yuliet Gonzalez, Editorial Team
December 5, 2024
Senior Kirstyn Dennix grabbed a spot at the table to decorate her Christmas ornament. The Student Council has also hosted a friendship bracelet table and giving thanks cards for Thanksgiving.

[Photo] Deck the halls

Yuliet Gonzalez, Editorial Team
December 21, 2024
Junior Kaylen Sanchez helps her group plan their emotions skit at the StuCo District 8 Fall Leadership Conference.

[Photo] Leader of the pack

Yuliet Gonzalez, Editorial Team
November 16, 2024
NHS adviser Lauren Rodriguez pins new inductee Genevieve Arabie. Rodriguez and teacher Donna Vann head up the National Honor Society; the group is planning several joint events with Student Council this year.

[Photo] Gearing up

Ashtyn Barzda, Reporter
November 16, 2024
Junior Alexa Sanchez crosses the stage as she lights her candle to be inducted into the Spanish Honor Society.

[Photo] Cream of the crop

Ashtyn Barzda, Reporter
October 24, 2024
Football coach Jeremy Evans and several of the Bison players watch the action on the field during the game against Winona. The Bison took a narrow loss.

[Photo] Offensive shootout

Jaxon Hardin, Editorial Team
October 22, 2024
Sophomore Millie Pena dances in the Hispanic Heritage program. She said the performances are important to help people outside of the Hispanic culture to learn about their customs and traditions.

[Photo] Cultural showcase

Ashtyn Barzda, Reporter
September 24, 2024
Theatre tech students Taylor McDaniel and Joseph Slay work on props for the theatre kiddie camp. Taylor is also on tech crew for Southern Fried Funeral.

[Photo] Audition time

Ashtyn Barzda, Reporter
September 24, 2024
Coach Cameron Wendel talks to players on the sidelines between plays. The weather was hot and muggy and both teams struggled with cramps.

[Photo] Double-dub

Jaxon Hardin, Editorial Team
September 9, 2024
Players and dads always huddle up for a group photo when they are done with their helmets.

[Photo] Decals with Dads

Haley Brown, Reporter
September 1, 2024
Mason Nedbalek carries the ball in an attempt to push up the Bison score. The offense snagged six points early on but struggled for the rest of the game, although they won the game after the defense held Centerville to eight first downs.

[Photo] Winner’s circle

Jaxon Hardin, Editorial Team
September 3, 2024
The Bison head to the sidelines to start their scrimmage against Mexia last week.

[Photo] Rivalry ahead!

Jaxon Hardin, Editorial Team
August 26, 2024
Cosmetology students help get students ready for their haircuts at the Back to School Bash. This was the second year for the event, which was open to all BISD students.

[Photo] Back to School Bash

Yuliet Gonzalez, Editorial Team
August 15, 2024
Sophomore Brock Corbitt works during the master class students worked in before their clinic.

[Photo] Up all night

Tristan Cole, Reporter
March 1, 2024
Junior Andie Kilgore focuses on her lift at a Bison powerlifting meet. The girl's season ends a week earlier than the boys.

[Photo] Super flex

Jaxon Hardin, Reporter
February 21, 2024
The cheer squad hits the mat at state competition. The team made the first cut for finals but missed the second.

[Photo] Top of the pyramid

Yuliana Porras, Reporter
January 23, 2024
Debaters Nicollette Arabie, Kaylen Sanchez and Alyncia Jackson competed at state in Congress earlier this month.

[Photo] Up for debate

Ryan Brown, Editorial Team
January 23, 2024
A quick stop at Buc-ee's after the meet gave competitors a chance to show off their medals to the beaver.

[Photo] Earning honors

Yuliet Gonzalez, Editorial Team
December 17, 2023
The drumline works their magic during the jazz band performance at the Christmas Concert.

[Photo] Music magic

Kaylen Sanchez, Editorial Team
December 15, 2023
The city tree will stay lit until after the new year. The tradition of a city-wide event started after the new city hall was built a few years ago.

[Photo] Tis’ the season

Jozalynn Easton, Reporter
December 6, 2023
Student Council members spent their December meeting wrapping Angel Tree presents and enjoying cookies. The students each donated $5 to help pay for the gifts.

[Photo] Playing Santa

Kadance Britt, Reporter
December 14, 2023
Senior Nicollette Arabie shows off the trophy she earned at the Katy-Taylor tournament. She placed in both Extemp and Impromptu.

[Photo] On the road again

Kadance Britt, Reporter
November 12, 2023
Genevieve Arabie, Kaylen Sanchez, Nicollette Arabie and Alyncia Jackson get ready to head in to start competing in UIL Regional Congress.

[Photo] Debate it out

Yuliana Porras, Reporter
November 14, 2023
Senior Billy Duncan leads the drum line while the group waits for the senior pep rally to get started.

[Photo] Never say goodbye

Jaxon Hardin, Reporter
November 14, 2023
The Coffee Nook was the site of the first Open Mic Night for NHS. Students read poetry and prose and enjoyed coffee and snacks for the event, which lasted nearly two hours. There was standing room only for most of the event.

[Photo] Poet at heart

Yuliet Gonzalez, Editorial Team
November 11, 2023
Speech students show off medals they won at the Centerville tournament.

[Photo] Close to home

Kadance Britt, Reporter
October 24, 2023
The cheerleaders lead the way out of the tunnel before the start of their game against Lexington to round out their distract season.

[Photo] Playoff bound

Jaxon Hardin, Reporter
November 1, 2023
Coach Chuck Winkelman offers tips on dribbling during an early-morning practice. The Ladies started daily basketball practices as soon as volleyball ended.

[Photo] Out of the starting gate

Alyncia Jackson, Editorial Team
October 30, 2023
Second period seniors Maddox Hardin and Aiden Savage pitch their business plan to "Sharks." The second period panel was Lower Junior High Principal Kelli Moore, Assistant Superintendent Tina Rayborn and Superintendent Adam Ivy.

[Photo] Shark attack

Jaxon Hardin, Reporter
October 1, 2023
Speech and debate students celebrated their wins after hosting a meet on Saturday.

[Photo] Off to the races

Nicollette Arabie, Editorial Team
October 3, 2023
Senior Nicollette Arabie preps for finals in Congressional Debate at the Lindale tournament this weekend. Arabie placed second overall, qualifying for state competition and picking up one of two bids she needs to make nationals this spring.

[Photo] Meeting goals

Kadance Britt, Reporter
September 24, 2023
Caleb Montano gets ready to jump into action after the Bison kick off to the Westwood team. This was the first home game for the JV team.

[Photo] Looking for a dub

Jaxon Hardin, Reporter
September 4, 2023
Coach Jesse House lends a hand putting decals on helmets at Decals with Dad. This is the second year for the team to host the event.

[Photo] Decals with Dad

Kadance Britt, Reporter
August 25, 2023
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