Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant is a show in which five teenagers made the choice that changed their lives forever. The show is a new series in which the girls Ashley, Brianna, Jade, Kayla and Lexi are all young expecting mothers; their challenge now is the circumstances that come with being young and pregnant.
Each girl has a different conflict in their lives and each shows that being a young mother has more issues than just the child. The girls face issues like their high school events being uncomfortable to their significant other being unfaithful. While not all of the girls are teens, they are all parents at a very young age
In the series premiere, teen mom Lexi faces the issue of her first football game as cheerleader with her belly. She faces the reality that in her small town, where everyone in the community knows one another, everyone is going to talk. She can tell when members of the community are speaking in the stands as well as her fellow cheerleaders speaking about her while she’s on the sidelines performing. The other four soon to be mothers face issues as well that showcase how tough it is to be a young expecting mother.