I love to listen to music. It helps me to concentrate and also helps make my creativity flow. One of my favorite artists is nihmune. She has a great voice, talent with matching her voice to the background music, her songs have great flow, and I love the energy and passion she brings while singing.
The first song I recommend is Brain Rot, a song that in my opinion is about feeling lost and confused about yourself and having friends to help. This song, while it is great, goes so much better with the YouTube music video, the video really puts power behind her words and the art is amazing.
The second song of hers I recommend is Sweet Symphonies. I think this song is about feeling safe behind a mask you put up for the rest of the world and finally finding that person who makes you feel safe enough to take off that mask and show them the real you. I love how the song starts slow and cascades faster as the song progresses.
The last song I recommend you check out first is Hypnotic. I get the feeling that this is about being in a toxic or abusive relationship but feeling like you’re unable to escape. I love the electronic feeling music in the background as she sings. I also like how the electronic background and the way she changes her voice give a hypnotic feel as the title suggests.
While I love these songs and more there are a few songs I strongly recommend you avoid. The collaboration Daisy between her and Lucy Pyre as well as CPR have not very appropriate lyrics so I recommend you avoid them.