The hit series Riverdale is an American teen film based on the Archie Comics. The series premiered in early January with season one; as well as season two which will air this October Created by Roberto Aguirre- Sacasa, the series is about a group of teens who tries to solve the mystery of the death of Jason Blossom.
Riverdale starrs KJ Apa as Richie Andrews as the main character who is pursuing a career in music in the depth of this mystery, Lili Reinhart as Betty Cooper who faces issues with her family, Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge who is the new girl at school, Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom who plays the character of Jason Blossoms sister who is in the center of this mystery.) The series is narrated by Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones, a character who faces multiple issues related to his father and poverty.
Riverdale is an overall adventurous and thrilling film. The series is a must-see due to its everlasting mystery. Riverdale leaves every viewer asking the biggest question, “who/what was responsible for the death of Jason Blossom?”