As usual, American Horror Story left viewers with a jaw-dropping first episode. The seventh season of the series, titled “Cult”, aired this month. The first two episodes this season has already received more views than the previous season.
The first episode, “Don’t be Afraid of the Dark,” opens with Ally waking up next to a terrifying clown. She runs down to tell her wife they’re under attack yet again by another clown. Her wife takes her 100% seriously, grabs a knife and follows her upstairs.
In its second episode, the show expands upon its paranoid landscape while diving deeper into the unraveling psyche of Ally Mayfair Richards (Sarah Paulson). Not only does,“Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark”, push Ally over the edge by distancing herself from reality and her loved ones. Which then brings her closer to the face-off against Evan Peters’ Kai Anderson.
American Horror Story: Cult is expected to be another big hit for producers, due to the fact that this season already has viewers on their toes.
This season is the best one yet. Catch it on FX.