Speechless is one of the most popular American sitcom television series of 2016. Since the debut of the first episode “P-i-Pilot” in the fall of 2016, Speechless has become a major hit and is working on wrapping up its first season. Since the show was such a hit, I think that there will be more where this came from.
Speechless is set in a few different settings ranging from a middle class neighborhood, the family’s house, and the school. The show is a comedy about what it’s like to be a family of five with a disabled child, and it is put in a way that has never been seen before on television. In Speechless, the family is very close, they would do anything for each other and JJ’s younger siblings Dylan DiMeo and Ray DiMeo always have his back. The show is based off of the creator’s experience growing up with an older special needs brother. Micah Fowler, the actor that plays JJ DiMeo (the special needs teenager), actually is special needs himself. The character like Fowler himself suffers from Cerebral Palsy, which was one of reasons why he was chosen for this show.
One of my favorite things about this show, are the messages that it delivers. It shows us that no matter what our situation is, we just have to make the best of it and not let it stop us, or that no matter who you are, you always have a voice. My most favorite thing about this show would have to be that it includes a special needs person. I find that really cool because I have a special needs uncle that I have grown up around, and I feel lucky to have an uncle that is a little different. Plus if I ever need a laugh, I know that I can count on this show to fulfill that need.
Overall if you enjoy comedy, drama and non inappropriate shows, then Speechless is definitely the show to watch. If you are interested in watching Speechless, new episodes air on Wednesday nights at 8:30/ 7:30c on abc. I can hardly wait for the next episode, and when it airs I’ll definitely be watching.