Schitt’s Creek is a Canadian television sitcom created by Dan and Eugene Levy. The Roses are a wealthy family of four: video store owner Johnny (Eugene), his wife and former soap opera actress Moira (Catherine O’Hara), and their spoiled adult children David and Alexis (Dan Levy and Annie Murphy) lose their fortune after being defrauded by their business manager.
The Rose empire crumbled and the family moved into a motel in a town they brought as a joke-Schitt’s Creek. They’re welcomed by the eccentric mayor and fourth-generation Schitt, Roland (Chris Elliott).
Throughout the six seasons of the show, the Roses grow together as a family and individually. They adjust to a small town without their extravagant lifestyle and money. The comedic show reveals a lot of emotion and growth.
I love this show and highly recommend it. It conveys the message of how much better life could be if we all learned to value respect and kindness over power and money. The Roses worked from the bottom and reached their full potential. In the final episode, everyone got their happily-ever-after.