Movie stars Eddie Redmayne (Stephen Hawking) and Felicity Jones (Jane Wilde) star in this earth-shattering biography about Stephen Hawking. The movie takes place in England at the University of Cambridge, where the two lovers meet.
One day as Hawking is walking across campus, he falls on his face due to Motor Neuron Disease. Together Hawking and Wilde take on this disease and end up getting married and having children. After they go through many trial and error medical experiments, the couple is disappointed to find the disease spreads to Hawking’s whole body. Soon he cannot walk, talk or move at all. Wife Jane tried to continue to care for him on her own, but finally did hire help.
After many months Stephen realizes he is starting to fall for the nurse, Elaine, and she is interested as well. Little do they know that Jane has fallen for a family friend and the church music director.
This brilliant movie brought home multiple awards and deserved all of them. This movie was not only enjoyable, but was also inspirational. The quality and picture were amazing. This is a movie worth seeing.