The famous medical drama television series Grey’s Anatomy is set in a hospital in Seattle where most of the cast started their careers as interns and worked their way up the career ladder while making friends that as as close as family members with their coworkers. Meredith Grey, played by Ellen Pompeo, the main character and the show’s namesake, is the daughter of a well-known surgeon. Gray struggles to maintain relationships with her colleagues, especially the hospital’s chief of surgery Richard Webber, who had an affair when Grey was a child.
The cast is filled with many outstanding and talented actors and actresses, some who have been there from the beginning. The series just started its 13th season last week, and the first 12 seasons are on Netflix for anyone who wants to play catch-up. This season promises a new love interest for one doctor, a love triangle and one of the doctors spending some time in jail. If you missed last week’s premeire, you can catch it on