This series is based in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. We see Elena Gilbert’s life as she tries to recover from her parents’ deaths. One day she meets Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and discovers they are vampires. Her best friend’s sister, Vicki Donovan, is turned into a vampire. Vicki attacks Jeremy, Elena’s brother, and Stefan has to kill her. As the show advances, Elena finds herself falling for Stefan and Damon. The Founders day ball comes around and Elena is faced with the question: Stefan or Damon?
I believe that this is a very good romance/supernatural/ horror series. Romance and drama work together to pull the viewer in. The series has won 20 awards, including Teen Choice Awards, People’s Choice Awards, Young Hollywood and a Bravo Otto award.
Season 8 is coming out on CW October 8 – stay tuned in.