After placing first in her weight class in the regional powerlifting competition in Commerce earlier this month, senior Maylene Caceres traveled to Edinburg for today’s state championship meet. Caceres again took first place, finishing with a 95-pound lead over second place. She lifted a total of 1,075 pounds (squat – 465, bench – 235, deadlift 375).
This was Caceres’s third win at regionals and her third trip to state – and the third time proved to be the charm today, even though it was not an easy meet.
“Maylene overcame mental struggles at state with a resounding victory,” Coach Jesse House said. “She’s the three-time girls regional winner and she put it all together this year. I’m proud of her.”
Coach Ashlee Cameron said she knows that Caceres will always remember this victory.
“This kid was all smiles after that final lift where we all knew she did it,” Coach Cam said. “That’s a memory she will always appreciate and I am so glad I got to be a part of it.”
Both coaches were proud to have been a part of the journey with Caceres.
“It’s been truly amazing to see Maylene excel in powerlifting,” Coach Cam said.
Maylene was excited about her win and thankful for the support along the way.
“I want to thank my family and the coaches that I had to help me achieve this championship,” Caceres said. “After three years, I finally won!”