Swift videos top the charts

2015 was an epic year for rising pop star Taylor Swift. It would seem she took over the world with her 1989 tour that traveled the world and included singers such as Avril Lavigne and Mic Jagger. However, many fans are most excited about her music videos. All of the ones from her 1989 album have exceeded more than a million views, with her most recent video, Out of the Woods hitting twenty two million. Out of the Woods features Taylor Swift donning a blue cinderella-inspired dress and walking through the woods. It showcases a story of a girl who lost a boy. Throughout the video Taylor is fighting different obstacles in her surroundings and by the end she finally “Is in the clear,” The message behind the video: She Lost Him, But She Found Herself. Now fans are waiting in anticipation for what else 2016 will hold for superstar Taylor Swift.