Blue Neighborhood out this week

Troye Sivan is a South African born-Australian actor, singer, songwriter, and YouTuber. After multiple EP’s, Sivan released his first ever album titled Blue Neighborhood, on December 4. New and already released songs in the album include “Wild” and “Talk me Down” along with many other successful titles.
Blue Neighborhood is made up of emotional songs. The songs are about his struggles with past relationships, and make you tear up. Although they are mostly pop and electronic music, they are for anyone (over 13 and above).
Siven toured the US and has other tours planned as well. In October, he released videos from the new album. Through his music, Siven hopes to portray the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community in our current society.
You can preorder Blue Neighborhood on iTunes or anywhere you can purchase music. You can follow him on Twitter for updates on his music @troyesivan.