Student Focus: Allison Grissett
Junior Allison Grissett launches the ball into the air for two points.
Students contribute to the school in many different ways, some in more ways than one. Junior Allison Grissett has learned how to balance her sports, academic, and social life. This has earned her many awards throughout her high school years, as well as respect among her peers.
“I’ve been doing sports ever since I can remember,” Grissett said. “I just like to compete, and I’m very competitive.”
Her natural talent and ability has gotten her many awards including academic all-district volleyball, honorable mention volleyball, academic all-district basketball, honorable mention basketball, and second team softball. All of those awards were just the ones she received her freshman year.
“I feel humbled to have gotten all those awards,” Grissett said. “They help me stay on track and remind me of what I want to do.”
Grissett is ranked in the top ten percent in her class. This means she has had to balance academics and sports, as well as her other extra-curricular activities such as NHS, student council and spanish club.
“When I got to high school, I had to learn how to prioritize. School is obviously the most important thing so I try to focus on that first,” Grissett said. “It can be challenging at times, having practice right after school, getting home late, and then having to do homework. But I like to be involved.”
Grissett also is well known for her good attitude and friendliness towards everyone, on and off the court. Grissett says she always tries to encourage others, and be positive.
“Allison is nice to everyone, she just has a good personality. She doesn’t want to be rude for no reason,” junior Madison Kennedy said. “She’s funny and she knows how to take a joke.”