Student Spotlight: Shelby Johnston
Junior Shelby Johnston performs with the Bison Belles at the first pep rally of the season.
December 1, 2021
Junior Shelby Johnston thrives on being in the spotlight.
Performing centerfield at halftime as a part of the Bison Belles each Friday night, Johnston also serves as an FCCLA state officer, which requires her to speak and present in front of large groups. The skills she has learned in those activities about interacting with others has helped her socially as well.
“Shelby is so kind and bright,” freshman Tristan Cole said. “I’m so glad I am friends with her.”
Shelby is already excited for graduation even though it is more than a year away, and she plans to attend Texas Tech in Lubbock. Her plans for after her first degree are already mapped out, as well.
“I want to study Political Science and Government,” Johnston said. “After four years at Tech I plan to go to Texas Tech School of Law and then work at a law firm to build up to owning my own law firm. After that, I am going to get into politics.”