Application Procedure:
Complete the official application form and send in with your letter of intent.
Letter of Intent: 350 – 500 words describing the career path you plan to seek after graduation, passion for your intended field, and what inspired you to pursue your intended career path.
Provide an official transcript from the school in which the applicant is currently enrolled. Submit one faculty letter of recommendation in addition to a personal letter of intent. Letter of intent should describe the applicant’s passion and plans for environmental education, desired career, and any relevant experience in the field. Submit all information by mail to:
Attn: Angela Hieronimus
B.O.G. Pest Control
645 Central Ave E #200
Edgewater, MD 21037
Application with required documents must be received by the Blades of Green by midnight on March 15th, 2019. Scholarship will be awarded by May 27th, 2019.
Please direct all questions to