Art students use junk to recreate masterpieces

Art students work on creating their entry for the annual Nucor Junk Art contest. The local judging will be held on November 6.

When art teacher Amanda Harter starts sending out emails asking other teachers for their trash, it means that the Nucor Junk Art Contest is getting closer. Three classes are working on their creations for the November 6 local judging; one piece will go on to compete in the county competition.

“The assignment was to choose a famous painting and replicate it,” Harter said. “This assignment takes pounds of trash, and we needed every bit we could find.”

The students enjoy being able to work together as a group.

“It’s going good this project is fun and it it brings us together,” senior Kendall Lee said. “We have a lot of different ideas, and when we mush them into one, it’s beautiful.”

Each class has chosen a different painting to replicate.

“Each class has different ideas,” Harter said. “Every class needed different things to create their masterpieces. I can’t wait for the judges to see what they have come up with!”