Gustavo Zapata, Reporter
My name is Gustavo Zapata and I am a very relaxed and calm person most of the time. Writing is one of my many weaknesses, as well as math. I believe that I have more strengths than I do weaknesses. Some of the strengths I have are drawing, I have really good hand-eye coordination depending on what I’m doing, and most of the time I am a very quick learner. My free time hobbies include listening to music, playing games, talking with my friends, and drawing. Some of my favorite foods are Shrimp fried rice, and noodles or fish, basically mostly seafood. I’m in one school organization at the moment which is our school marching band, but I may join FFA if I change my mind on joining. I’m really glad that my friend Garrett convinced me to join the band because I never realized how fun it really is until now. That is all I have to say, thank you for letting me tell you some things about myself.