Introducing the award winning Bison Belles! is a sound that sophomore Brenda Garcia has spent the fall being excited to hear on Friday nights as she marches out onto the football field. Garcia decided that she wanted to do more in high school than just play volleyball, so last spring, she tried out for the drill team.
“I enjoy playing volleyball, I like the excitement of the game,” Garcia said. “But, I wanted to try something new.”
Garcia enjoys Belles mostly because of her friends.
“Having my friends with me is a plus,” Garcia said. “It motivates me to keep dancing.”
Garcia has a positive effect on the team.
“She’s really funny,” social officer, Lupita Martinez said. “She’s also a good dancer.”
Garcia said she likes the feeling of dancing.
“I like dancing a lot,” Garcia said. “It’s lots of fun, I was nervous at first, but now I look forward to Friday nights.”
Garcia also runs a modeling page on instagram with sophomore lasundra Robinson.
“We started it for fun,” Garcia said. ” But now were taking it more seriously.”