Chemistry students judge science fair


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Logan Freeman, Cameron Varner and Dylan Harris interview a student during the Leon County Science Fair.

Last week teacher Patrice Cox’s AP chemistry students travelled to Centerville to judge the Leon County Science Fair. The students viewed all of the projects and interviewed the students.

“It was a lot of fun,” junior Cameron Verner said. “ Even though it was tiring and early in the morning, I still had a great time seeing all the projects and helping out.”

There were projects from schools all over the county to judge.

“I loved seeing all their little projects,” junior Jordan Jenkins said. “We got to go up there and see all their cute projects and help them.”

The students spent all day judging the kids projects and interviewing them.

“I was glad I got to do it,” senior Dylan Harris said. “It was a long, tiring process, but I was happy I got to do it.”

Cox said she was really proud of her students and said they asked a lot of really good questions.

“They got up really early and went up there with bright smiling faces,” Cox said. “They stayed productive and helped as much as they could. They might have been tired in the end, but you could tell they were happy that got to go and help out.”