Reeder makes clever PROMposal

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Seniors Ben Reeder and Kendall Lee share a hug after Ben’s big prom proposal in the parking lot.

On some days, just getting to school on time is enough of a challenge without having to worry about important future decisions, but when senior Kendall Lee pulled into the parking lot one morning last month, that was exactly what she had to do, and do quickly. Classmate Ben Reeder had enlisted the help of friends for a very visible, very public prom proposal.

Reeder had used his friends, their trucks, and giant signs, along with a blown-up picture of himself and Lee dancing in elementary school to ask Lee if she would be his date this year.

“She said yes, and when she said that it fell like a weight had been lifted off of my chest,” Reeder said. “I could actually start breathing again. Then I hugged her.”

Ben was nervous about his plans.

“I put a lot of work into what I did,” Reeder said. “Thursday night before it happened, I couldn’t sleep because I was so stressed out and nervous about the fact that I was about to ask the girl I’ve had a crush on for the longest time to the biggest thing in a kid’s high school career, which is prom.”

Reeder had a lot of help from his friends.

“It wouldn’t have been possible without all my friends and the people who helped me,” Reeder said. “I would like to thank everyone who helped me do it.”

Lee admitted she was nervous when arriving at the school.

“When I pulled up, I didn’t want to get out,” Senior Kendall Lee said. “It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”