Student council members celebrated the holiday season with a cookie exchange and a present-wrapping party for their Angel Tree gifts. The group has been participating in Angel Tree for years.

“Doing Angel Tree ensures that a student in need will be guaranteed a Christmas gift this year,” senior Emma Cocking said. “It will bring joy to the individual who receives it and help to make their Christmas a little bit brighter.”
Times get hard and money gets tight, but giving is the whole point of Christmas. The district’s Angel Tree benefits students at all four campuses.
“My favorite part about being part of the Angel Tree project was we got to wrap gifts and help kids in need,” freshman Yurit Espino said. “We got to help them enjoy their Christmas this year.”
For some students, the event is now a habit.
“I will be doing angel trees in the future on my own,” sophomore Brock Corbitt said. “Me and my parents do it every year already. It brings us great joy to have a helping hand in making these children’s Christmases.”
The Angel Tree project helps students realize that not everyone has the things that they take for granted.
“It honestly makes you look into the different perspectives of other people’s lives,” Corbitt said. “It is a really refreshing feeling to see that what you do matters and can benefit others.”