Spanish National Honor Society opens a local chapter
Spanish 3 and Spanish 4 students were eligible to apply to be a part of the first BHS Spanish National Honor Society.
January 31, 2022
The inaugural group of Spanish Club Honor Society members was inducted into the organization the same night as the new batch of NHS members.
“It is really cool to be the first group of this organization,” senior Sherlynn Rodriguez said. “This program will go on for years and years, so being the first ones to begin this program is amazing.”
In order to be inducted, students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and have an A or a B in their Spanish classes; they also had to be in either Spanish 3 or Spanish 4. With the help of math teacher Donna Vann, sponsor Maria Salazar introduced the inductees; they came on stage and signed their names in the membership book and lit their own candle from the mother candle.
“The program is a wonderful opportunity for students to be involved in a Spanish-driven organization,” senior April Martinez said. “I just wished they had it sooner because this is my first and last year being in it.”