Debate team sweeps top spots
Top three debaters will compete at state in January
The Congress competitors show off their trophies after the regional contest last week.
November 15, 2021
After a year of online meets and Zoom rooms to compete, the Bison debate team was able to compete in-person for the Region 6 UIL Congressional Debate competition. The team hosted the event, which had nearly 70 competitors from all over the educational service center region.
The 3A and 4A competitors were combined into one chamber, with all five competitors placing in the top ten, and Buffalo students sweeping the three state-qualifier spots.
“It was such an interesting learning experience,” sophomore Alyncia Cumby, who competed for her first time ever, said. “I’m so proud of everyone.”
Sophomore Nicollette Arabie placed first in the chamber. She said she didn’t expect to outperform her freshman year, when she placed second.
“I thought my work was subpar compared to last year,” she said. “Then I got first and it totally boosted my confidence.”
The team has been working for months in anticipation of this meet, holding mock Congress meets in class and working together to make each other a better speaker.
“We’ve been preparing for so long,” Arabie said. “I feel like it all paid off in the end.”
Second place went to senior Omar Almeida, who also won Outstanding Presiding Officer for the chamber.
“There were probably some things we could have done better, but it was really good considering it was the first time in person for most of the team,” Omar said. “We’ll continue to work and do even better at state.”
Almeida and Arabie will advance to state along with senior Anthony Gonzalez. Cumby placed fifth and Jariwala seventh in 3A. The team will prepare for the next two months until state in early January.
“I’m so excited for State,” Arabie said. “I know our team, and I know that they will all do amazing, just as they did in Regionals.”