Student Spotlight: Emma Adams
Senior Emma Adams dances at the first pep rally of the season. Life as a Belle officer takes up most of her time during football season.
September 3, 2021
Aside from her busy schedule as First Lieutenant of the Bison Belles and an officer of both 4-H and FCCLA, senior Emma Adams has a new favorite passion: playing the piano at church. Adams sets everything aside on Sundays and Wednesdays to play.
“Playing piano has been a new hobby of mine for the past six months,” Adams said. “ I have learned so much in just that short amount of time and have even had the opportunity to perform at my church.”
Adding a new hobby into an already-demanding schedule wasn’t easy, but her friends are not surprised that she has learned so quickly.
“Emma is so dedicated and puts everything she has into whatever she does,” senior April Martinez said. “I strive to have the motivation and confidence like she does, whether it be her piano or belles, or just helping people in general she always does it with her whole heart.”
Rodriguez is Belle captain to Adams’ First Lieutenant, and the two girls work together to make sure the group is as successful as possible.
“Being a Belle is more than just a uniform or dancing on Friday nights,” Adams said. “It’s about being a part of a tradition and meeting my best friends through an amazing team.”
Adams doesn’t have much free time, but when she does she spends most of it volunteering in 4-H or babysitting or baking.
“She makes the best cake balls I’ve ever had,” senior Jazlynn Early said. “Every time she sells them I always buy some.”
Not only does Adams love to bake, but she has learned to turn it into a way to make a little extra cash.
“Baking is another interest of mine, and it’s a nice side job that I can do to make some money,” Adams said. “Being able to bake for others and see them so happy makes me happy.”