Student Spotlight: Denise Wall

n garcia photo

Denise Wall works on a class assignment on her Chromebook.

While many students around Texas are accustomed to agriculture, sophomore Denise Wall is more familiar with aquaculture. After living in Connecticut and being around the ocean for the majority of her life, moving to a new state halfway across the country over the summer was a big adjustment for her.

“It was a big change moving from Connecticut to Texas,” Denise said. “For one thing, Texas is a lot bigger. I used to be able to go visit family that lived in Maine, Canada, and New Hampshire, within hours, when I lived in Connecticut. Now it takes hours just to get to another state.”

However, it is not just the size that is different, Denise explained the differences between schools, including how she used to ride the train to her school and the differences in post-secondary education.

“One of the main differences I have noticed between Connecticut and Texas is that school work is easier in Texas and Texas doesn’t have as many technical schools,” Denise said. “ I think it has a lot to do with location.”

Denise has also had to adjust her hobbies to fit her new location.

“I really used to enjoy going boating, swimming, biking, and sailing all the time,” Denise said. “It was a very different environment. Because I lived in such close proximity to the ocean everything including businesses, schools, and trade was geared towards it. The ocean played a very big role in life at Connecticut.”

While her adjustments at school may have been difficult, Denise had no problem fitting into life at school socially.

“Denise is a very strong person, when I met her she had a lot of confidence, “she has a thing about her that makes her very easy to confide in. I’m glad to be friends with her.”