Art students tackle ceramics

harter photo

Sophomore Bryce Ryder and junior Paul Tschiner work on their ceramics projects.

Art students have moved into new territory, creating ceramic sculptures by going through all of the stages needed – working the clay, creating pinch pots and putting them together to create their “Angry Bird,” and then firing, glazing, and firing again.

“The skill is making pinch pots and putting them together,” art teacher Amanda Harter said. “It’s very difficult, but they’re doing really well. If you can make one of these, you can make anything.”

All of the Art 2 students are making the Angry Birds, which require two pinch pots. Art 3 students have the opportunity to make another Angry Bird or create something different. Junior Kortney Cannon chose to create a human head for her ceramics project.

“To make a lump of clay into something beautiful can almost put life into it, it really adds character,” Cannon said. “I love ceramics and making things. I’d love to take art classes in college.”

Ceramics projects are not quick ones to complete, and the students are spending several days on their creations.

“Ceramics is very time consuming,” junior Daniel Flores said. “It’s very hard and challenging, but it’s also fun.”