With prom right around the corner, prom tickets are on sale. The theme selected for this year’s event is Sunset Serenade. Prom will be on March 1 at the K & J Venue.
Every year, it is the juniors’ responsibility to plan prom for the seniors. Kaylen Sanchez, the junior class president, has put a lot of effort into making sure prom is perfect.
“Planning prom has been very nerve racking, but exciting,” Sanchez said. “Our class sponsors, the class officer team, and I have all put a lot of thought and planning into this year’s prom. We’ve done meetings with each other, our prom committee, and with our decorator just to make sure everything is perfect which makes me very hopeful for the end result.”
With this year’s theme, red and orange tints will match the theme perfectly.
“I think that this year’s theme is fantastic,” senior Avery Waters said. “I was planning on wearing an orange dress this year anyway and I think the theme was literally a match made in heaven.”
Prom is earlier than previous years in order to avoid conflicts with other school events later in the semester, but the venue will provide a warm environment for dancing.
“Prom is a bit early this year, but I’m sure that we’ll still have a good time,” senior Alyia Ingram said. “I think the theme is so cute and unique, and I can’t wait to attend.”