HOSA students Kirstyn Dennix and Laylanie Montano attended last week’s conference in Houston along with advisers Stacy Cornett and Jeanette Lehman. They spent time beforehand creating informative posters for the category “Powered by People.”
The students presented their posters at the conference. Montano’s poster focused on an idea similar to the power rangers, but with the rings powering up a diverse group of doctors.
“At first I was really nervous because I thought we had to present in front of everyone,” Montano said. “But it was all okay in the end, and it went well.”
Dennix’s work focused on showing how everyone plays a part when it comes to healthcare, from the workers building hospitals, people driving the ambulances and the families checking on patients while they’re in the hospital.
“Going to such a big school with that many competitors was a first for me,” Dennix said. “But I had fun either way. I did the best I could do, and am proud of my work.”