Carter BloodCare, a community-based and non-profit organization, made its way down to the practice gym and set up camp for the first NHS blood drive of the year. Snack tables and donating chairs awaited students who were ready to do their part to keep the blood banks in business.
Sophomores were excited to be old enough to donate for the first time, even if they were a little nervous.
“The finger prick felt worse than the actual needle,” sophomore Kaleb Barzda said. “It was kind of surprising.”
Many seniors donated with the hope of receiving their red cord this school year.
“This was my third or fourth time giving blood,” senior Tristan Cole said. “I felt a little nervous, but not too much because I’ve done it before. I’m really excited to get my cord.”
Despite the group’s efforts, the numbers were not as high as they usually were. Homecoming activities interfered, so there were fewer students involved than usual. But adviser Lauren Rodriguez said there were still plenty of positives for the day.
“We received a $500 check that went towards NHS because of our accomplishments with past drives,” Rodriguez said. “And I was glad that we were able to donate blood, even if it wasn’t a lot. Hopefully, next semester will have better results.”