Horse Judging team brings home awards


Horse Judging competitors show off the ribbons they earned at the first practice meet of the season.

Emma Adams, Co-Editor

The Horse Judging team competed at the Brazos extension in Bryan. It was the first judging competition of the year, and the members made their goals.

“I was so excited to go and compete, and placing 10th in our first competition was a win to me,” freshman Delany Simpson said. “We have some things to improve on and once we get that fixed we will for sure be able to place in the top three.”

Overall, the team placed eighth out of 15 teams, and Cooper Ayres placed eighth in the performance class.

“I was so surprised to hear I placed,” Ayres said. “I was really excited tho and happy to know my hard work is paying off.”

The horse judging team will have more invitational competitions, all with an aim of perfecting their skills for district.

“They are off to a great start for being their first-ever horse judging competition,” adviser Caroline Wakefield said. “We are looking forward to what this CDE season has in store.”