It was a marathon rehearsal weekend for OAP cast and crew members; the group loaded up early Saturday morning and travelled to China Spring for a clinic, then came home and had a marathon lock-in rehearsal, working until 9:30 Sunday morning.
“We had to get to school at 7:30 in the morning,” said junior Sheri Donaldson. “It was really early and we were super tired.”
The clinic was held in China Spring.
“Mr. Garcia was very very helpful,” sophomore Colby Menefee said. “He gave us a lot of good pointers and advice.”
When they got back, they took a 30 minute break and began working. They changed what Garcia advised them to change. A lot of the changes weren’t huge, but minor details that they hope will make a subtle difference.
“I really think that the changes we made will really affect our play,” director Jill Henson said. “It’s the little things that often make the biggest difference.”
The group would work on a section and then take a ten-minute break. They worked until nearly one in the morning.
“It was super strenuous,” junior Iveth Molina said. “Even though I’m just a tech person, it was still so much work to remember every new cue.”
After many hours of hard work, the theatre students finally got to rest. The next morning they woke up at eight and worked on setting the stage in seven minutes. After that, they practiced a couple things and went home at nine.
“We made a lot of improvements,” senior Kaiden Loep said. “It was really worth it and I think it’ll really pay off.”