Seniors order caps and gowns
After 13 years of dealing with homework, meeting new people, switching campuses and learning everything they can to pass classes that may or may not be fun or interesting, the big day is drawing nearer for the class of 2016; another big step towards the finish line came earlier this week when seniors ordered caps and gowns and invitations.
“I think it hit me that I was graduating when I took the cap and gown pictures,” senior Jocelyn Trejo said. “But when I ordered them, it just reminded me that this is it.”
Between senior portrait proofs going out last week, senior walk before the last football game and now ordering invitations, the fact that this is the final year is hitting home for some of the seniors.
“I am sad about leaving high school,” senior Brittany Scott said. ”It is where I made all my friends and has given me so many amazing opportunities.”