Part-time jobs extend students’ days


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Brothers Randy and Rudy Salazar stock the milk at their part-time jobs at Brookshire Bros.

As if studying, sports, extracurriculars and typical teenage drama were not enough to keep students busy, part-time jobs factor into the schedule for many students. For some, it’s a chance to earn a little extra spending money; for others, it’s a necessary part of helping their family survive.

“I love being able to help out my parents if one of them forgets their wallet or something,” junior Brianna Johnston said. “I also like not having to ask my parents for money when its comes to movies and stuff.”

In a town the size of Buffalo, there is not a wide variety of choices for students looking to make some extra money. Brookshire Bros., the only supermarket in town, is one of the biggest employers of students. For many of them, working with so many of their classmates makes work feel like an extension of their school day.

“I like the people I work with, its just I feel like I’m in high school 24/7,” junior David McAlpine said. “It’s like I’m working at school.”

For the most part, students are happy enough to be spending their out-of-school time with people they already know. Sometimes the work relationship leads to new friendships.

“I think its really cool [to work with people from school],” senior Tovi Taylor said. “It’s really neat because I’m getting to know people that I thought I would never be close to.”

Junior Seth Folsom agrees.

“I’m really good friends with pretty much everybody who works with me and goes to school with me,” Folsom said. “So it’s really pretty cool.”

Assistant principal Janet Slaughter couldn’t help but notice all the student workers on a recent trip to the store.

“I was so impressed with what I saw,” Slaughter said. “It made me feel really good to see all the students working. It makes me proud that they can all balance working, grades, and sports, and even when they work late, they still show up to school the next day .”