Controlled chaos

Students in multiple Friday-night activities spend halftime switching up roles


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Band/Belle members Yomele Almeida and Miryam Zapata march in their Belle outfits after finishing their routine with the drill team.

Football games are about more than just football – the Bison Belles, cheerleaders, the Brigade and the flag corp all perform during the game and at halftime. For some busy students, it means juggling more than one job.

Senior Brittany Scott goes from Belles to Brigade during halftime each week.

“I love doing them both so much, but it is stressful,” Scott said. “I have to make it work, though. It’s hard keeping up with it all, but Villarreal and Harter make sure we we get it done.”

In addition to a busy time on the field, students who are members of multiple groups have more than the average amount of practices to deal with each week.

Senior Kendall Morals goes from cheerleading to marching and has been since she was a freshman

“This year has been especially difficult jumping from practice to practice,” Morales said. “As my classes have gotten harder, it is ten times more stressful because I feel like I have no time to study. But overall the experience that I get from doing both has made football season one that I associate with so many great memories.”

It takes some extra work on the part of the group leaders, as well, to make sure everything comes together.

“It makes their days really long”, Belle director Amanda Harter said. “Some of these kids are practicing and at school until 8:30 at night. They are have to balance everything.”