Mysterious disappearances focus of suspense novel

Mysterious disappearances focus of suspense novel

    For fans of Gillian Flynn and Daniel Woodrell, The Weight of Blood is a well-written and suspenseful novel and a coming-of-age story dealing with the mystery of two women, one who is murdered and the other who disappeared, only one generation apart.

    The story about the two women is told alternating chapters in two different time frames, which sounds confusing but actually works very well for this book. The author keeps the story flowing with enough suspense to keep the reader interested and turning pages.

    In the novel, Lucy’s mom disappears without a trace when she is a small child. Lucy is raised by her Dad, uncle and other members of her close-knit community. Years later, Lucy’s friend disappears and is found murdered. Lucy is compelled to search for answers about her mother’s disappearance and the murder of her childhood friend. As Lucy starts asking questions, the answers will shock her and include the secrets of people who are closest to her.