BHS hosted an OAP clinic last week, inviting other schools to be critiqued by a clinician in preparation for upcoming district competitions. OAPs are limited strictly in the outside help they can have; unlike sports or other events, they cannot bring in consultants but must attend clinics where they are limited on the time they get with outside help. The Buffalo clinic saw three schools coming in to perform and then receive feedback on their plays.
“It was a pretty cool experience,” sophomore Saloni Jarawala said. “I like being backstage running lights and finding new ways to improve our play.”
The clinician spent two hours with each school, first watching their performance and then helping with ideas to improve.
“I enjoyed being able to work with someone who can only make us better,” senior Andrea Daniel said. “I am very excited to compete this year but also sad that it will be my last year.”
The actors got lots of new and inventive ways to change their play. They will compete next Thursday in Teague.
“I am very excited to compete next week,” sophomore John Cocking said. “This clinic opened our eyes to a lot of things that we need to fix and regroup before next week.”
The BHS cast and crew also attended a clinic at Lake Worth last week.
“Both clinics were fantastic,” director Melonie Menefee said. “It’s so nice to have an outside set of eyes that might see things we can’t see and who have ideas we can try.”