Student spotlight: Joel Montano

Many students tend to focus on their high school years and forget about their future ahead of them. However a few of them have their future planned out before senior year. Junior Joel Montano happens to be one of those students.

“I plan to go to college and finish early,” Montano said. “Once I get my degree,I plan to become an electrician.”  

Most teens are not ready for the responsibilities of adulthood – Montano realizes it is coming quickly and he needs to be ready.  

“I really didn’t have an idea what I wanted to be,” Montano said. “Recently I talked with several friends and teachers, started to acknowledge that high school is almost done for me, and I need to prepare for the road ahead.”

Montano participates in several sports: football, baseball and track. He works out every day in the summer by lifting  weights and running.

“Sports have always been a part of my life,” Montano said. “They help me stay focused and keep myself in shape. I really enjoy playing them, especially with my friends.”

Besides planning his future, practice, school and working out, Montano finds  time to hang out with his peers.

“Joel is an amazing friend,” sophomore Jordy Maltos said. “No matter what is going on, he always finds time to be there for you, and now-a-days, that’s hard to find in a friend.”