Ohio State football player found in trash bin


A woman and her son looking for items in a dumpster on Sunday found the body of Kosta Karageorge, who had disappeared four days earlier after sending his parents a text message saying concussions had messed up his head. A handgun was found in the dumpster, police officer Rich Weiner said.

Karageorge was found with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Police found his body within a couple hundred yards of his home and about a half-block from High Street, the main artery of the campus. Karageorge had last been seen at his Columbus apartment, when roommates said he left for a walk.

He was confused, possibly brain damaged from his injuries, but US gun laws made it so easy for him to obtain a gun and kill himself. In his confused state, it’s unlikely he would have chosen any other method. The gun made it so simple.

Hopefully we can learn from this and ensure for those suffering from mental health issues (regardless of how they developed their illness) receive the treatment and help they need. No one should ever feel that suicide is the only option they have to end their pain.